The Central Coast Wetlands Group is a wetlands science research organization serving the Central Coast of California. Our mission is to coordinate the advancement of wetland science and management on the Central Coast. We work closely with regional and state partners to improve wetland science communication between researchers, resource managers and policy makers. We do this through on the ground research, the development and dissemination of tools and materials, and through organizing and hosting meetings and symposia that bring groups of people together to increase dialogue. By collaborating on wetland-related efforts, local resources can be used more effectively to assess and improve the condition of local wetlands and the services they provide.
Coastal Conservation and Research, Inc. (CCR) is a 501(3)(C) non-profit organization dedicated to research, restoration, and mitigation of coastal estuarine and marine habitats. In its 20 year history, CCR has conducted diverse projects including dune, wetland, estuarine and grassland restoration; land-use and watershed planning; State-wide marine invertebrate surveys; monitoring of marine invasive species; marine, estuarine, riparian, and coastal upland monitoring; climate-change infrastructure evaluations; agricultural irrigation and land-use practices; and under-ice research in Antarctica. CCR has received funding from a plethora of Federal, State, County, NGO, and private sources, including NSF and USEPA. CCR owns a 29-acre parcel near Elkhorn Slough that houses a greenhouse facility dedicated to propagating and growing native plants for use in our restoration projects.
The Greater Monterey County Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) is the group responsible for development of the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan. Eighteen organizations currently form the Greater Monterey County RWMG. These organizations were invited to join the RWMG based on the intention to create a diverse and inclusive RWMG with adequate and balanced representation of water resource management issues and geographic areas in the Greater Monterey County IRWM region. The member entities include government agencies, nonprofit organizations, educational organizations, water service districts, private water companies, and organizations representing agricultural, environmental, and community interests.
The Marine Pollution Studies Lab at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MPSL-MLML) has played a leading role in Californiaʼs coastal monitoring and assessment since the early 1990s. Our research capabilities include marine sediment quality surveys, tissue contaminant surveys, surface water monitoring, biological invasion assessments, data management, quality assurance, and program management. Our largest and longest project was the statewide SWAMP program, for which we provided numerous field, laboratory, and infrastructure support services, including management of the SWAMP Database. As a Regional Data Center (RDC) for the California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN we provide the tools and infrastructure needed to manage environmental data in local or enterprise level databases. The RDC is currently working with the Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program (CCAMP), National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), several citizen monitoring groups and grant recipients to help standardize their data and check and load their data into CEDEN. In addition, MPSL has developed a variety of resources to support field sampling, laboratory sample processing and analyses, database management, Quality Assurance/Quality Control management, and data analysis and report writing.
This Storm Water Resource Plan has been developed for the Greater Monterey County Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) region. The geographic coverage area includes the entirety of the Greater Monterey County IRWM region, plus the portion of the Pajaro River Watershed IRWM region that lies within Monterey County. The Greater Monterey County IRWM region is characterized largely by intensively farmed agricultural land, rural communities, and a small number of urban areas, the largest of which is the City of Salinas. The Greater Monterey County region receives no imported water, and therefore maintaining the region’s water supply is absolutely critical for ensuring the health, prosperity, and long-term sustainability of local communities.
The water resource issues outlined within the Plan along with critical flooding and environmental concerns, have prompted the IRWM Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) and stakeholders in the Greater Monterey County IRWM region to come together for the purposes of storm water resource planning under Proposition 1. The Proposition 1 SWRP planning process has enabled the RWMG and stakeholders to explore new opportunities for storm water and dry weather runoff projects, as well as opportunities for integrating projects, in order to achieve multiple benefits on a regional scale. The plan now complete, the implementation committee, supported through the IRWMP framework, is working to develop conceptual projects within the plan as needed to receive implementation funding.