Representative Projects Overview

Wetland Assessments

The Central Coast Wetlands Group utilizes the USEPA's Level 1-2-3 framework for wetland assessment. Level 1: CCWG is active in the development of standard wetland mapping tools for the State of California through the development of a Wetland Status and Trends program. This program will track the extent and condition of wetlands using probabalistic methodologies over time. CCWG is also pursuing resources to quantify and map agricultural and urban BMPs and riparian habitats on the Central Coast. Level 2: CCWG is the Central Coast lead for the development and implementation of the California Rapid Assessment Method. Since 2002 CCWG has assisted in the development of the riverine, estuarine, depressional and bar-built estuarine wetland modules. Addiitonally, CCWG is an active member of the state Level 2 Committee of the California Wetland Monitoring Workgroup and holds multiple trainings annually in the methodology. Level 3: CCWG has experience with water quality and benthic invertebrate sampling, vegetation surveys, soil surveys, and was the California field team for the USEPA's 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment which utilized both Level 2 and 3 methodologies.


The Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) and California Environmental Data Exchange Center (CEDEN) are the umbrella programs for all surface water quality monitoring conducted by the California State and Regional Water Boards as well as other agencies, local stakeholders, and non-profit groups. Scientists from the Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory (MPSL) of the Central Coast Water Resources Center act as general contractors to conduct chemical and toxicological analyses and operate the Regional Data Center that processes data submitted by data providers before facilitating delivery to the statewide CEDEN data base.

Pollution Assessment

The Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory (MPSL) has conducted over 100 monitoring and research projects related to the assessment and remediation of chemical pollution and invasive species. Past and current project partners include local governments and districts, national research organizations, State and Regional Water Boards, and federal agency programs such as NOAA Status and Trends and the EPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. MPSL has extensive field sampling and analytical capabilities, and MPSL scientists have measured, monitored, and assessed the effects of trace metals, industrial compounds, pesticides, urban stormwater and agricultural runoff in water, sediment, and biota from streams, estuaries and the coastal ocean. Results of this work have been published in approximately 75 scientific journal articles and dozens of agency reports, and this information has influenced resource management decisions at local, regional, state and national levels.

Wetland Restoration

Throughout the Salinas Valley much of the historical wetland habitat has been converted to rural and agricultural uses. Much of the runoff from these modified habitats is funneled into created, or highly altered, waterways that are essentially used as drainage ditches to remove excess water. This water often has very high nutrient and pesticide concentrations, which eventually enter the Monterey Bay Sanctuary. Some of the functions that are lost when watersheds are altered include filtration of pollutants, recharge of aquifers, flood storage capacity, and habitat for native flora and fauna. CCWG and partners have worked to restore important habitats throughout the Monterey Bay region for the past 2 decades. Our focus is the restoration and conservation of coastal wetlands, adjacent upland environments, and the natural functionality of watersheds.